Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Some pictures from the last month

Some pictures of the boys from here and there


Lucas is starting in a new class, starting next Tuesday. His new teacher will be Mrs. Allen. She was Damons first Preschool teacher. Lucas is really looking foward to it.
Lucas and I joined a mommy and me Gymnastics class. Lucas is REALLY good. He loves it and his teacher is really impressed by him. I will try to take some pictures soon to post. But it is kinda hard to take pictures and spot him on the bars.
Anyways here are some pictures of this and that, some of the boys and Grandpy pulling weeds and of course Lucas had to have his shirt off just like Grampy, it made for some cute pictures.

Damon is in Kindergarten now!!

Hi everyone!
Ok well Damon has started Kindergarten!!!! So here are some pictures.
Also some pictures of this and that. It has been a while since i posted pictures. I hope this is finding everyone well.